Leadership Retreats


We assist teams in developing company culture.

Leadership retreats move companies toward managing their business issues, both externally and internally, and create a consistent leadership culture. Successful retreats identify current challenges and target ways to achieve business goals in consideration of those challenges.

Today’s business climate – fluctuating profits, competition, external influences, a global marketplace and unexpected change – demands that senior leaders work as teams to respond to challenges and reach shared business objectives. Focusing on positioning the business for ongoing success in their business cycle; current market position; and specific hurdles faced by the company ensures that C-Suite executives guide their business to achieving its core strategies.

Phase One

PSA’s leadership retreats assist teams in developing company culture; strategies; build cohesive, collaborative teams; and improve individual and group communication. Our philosophy and approach to each initiative is customized and unique based on the organization’s strategic direction. The program’s first phase gathers information from one-on-one meetings with senior executives and, at times, board members.

The initial phase involves a process that is structured, goal-oriented and interactive, developed and delivered with a framework based, in part, on input and insights from the company’s leadership.

We also use multiple time-tested, reputable methods – including confidential individual meetings with all C-Suite leaders as well as brief surveys – to gather data that guides in designing a customized retreat that addresses the company’s current business position, challenges, specific senior leadership strengths and areas of growth of the business.

This retreat preparation is a hallmark of our approach. It not only helps structure the client’s retreat, but also engages senior executives in thoughtful discussions about business issues, current and future company culture and topics in advance of the retreat. This phase enables PSA to create the foundation for a customized, structured retreat experience. This information-gathering phase enables clients to develop and implement a strategic action plan to guide them to successful goal achievement.

From this first stage of our collaboration, PSA builds the foundation for the growth and success of the company’s executives both during the retreat and afterwards.

Phase Two

In the program’s second phase, PSA facilitates both full team and breakout conversations through which executives identify challenges to achieving objectives and agree on ways to shift these challenges into opportunities for growth and success. Depending on client needs and goals, retreats incorporate not only meaningful team-building, but also strategies for developing and moving forward with shifting company culture; improving individual and inter-team communication and awareness of team workplace dynamics.

Phase Three

In Phase Three, PSA advises and guides senior leaders – through consistent, long-term communication – on taking retreat results from plans to processes to implementation. Our three-step Leadership Retreat services tie initial information to customized retreat and interaction among those in the C-Suite to create outcomes that establishes processes leading to business success. These business meetings are opportunities for the team of leaders to identify challenges, align business objectives, create communication that builds a collaborative culture to drive the business beyond present day goals and into future success.